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토론토 김치맨
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토론토 김치맨 홈피에 오신걸 환영합니다
1947년 4월에 태어나서 한국에서 27년 살고서 캐나다 토론토로 이민 온 김치맨입니다.
1974년 이민 온 이래 50년 가까이 토론토와 그 인근 지역에서 살아오고 있습니다.
누구나 그런다 하지요?
"내가 살아 온 얘기를 책으로 써낸다면? 아마도 열권도 더 넘을겁니다."
75평생을 파란만장하게 살아온 김치맨 역시!
앞으로 얼마동안이나 이런 저런 얘기를 할 수 있을 지 모르지만,
사는 날까지는 버티어보아야 하겠지요?
우리게시판 ( 전체 게시글 수: 426 )
Ginkgo Tree 식목운동을 시작하면서 김치맨 2022-11-03
첨부 파일:  
Hi, Brand new Councillor,
Whenever I drive past the Canabbie Farm named REDECAN CITY, I smell the bad smell.
So, I try to find out a way of reducing the bad smell.
Do you know anything about the tree, Ginkgo Biloba?
This is a very well known tree to oriental people including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

In fact, 35% of Street trees in Seoul, Korea are Ginkgo trees.
Since I am very fond of Gingko trees, I tried to grow them from the seeds 2 years ago.
In May of last year, I gave away about one year old 100 seedlings to my people in Toronto.
Also to my joy, I found some street trees in new subdivisions are young Gingko trees.

The Few, the Proud, the Best Street Trees


Ginkgo Bilboa
The ginkgo tree is known for a lot of things – its fan shaped leaves, its status as a living fossil, and the unfortunate smell of the fruit that female trees produce and subsequently shed. Even though they stink, Ginkgo trees are uniquely suited to survive harsh city life – not only can they hold their own against air pollution, but they stand strong in the face of soil compaction, pests, disease, salt, wind, cold, drought, fire, and even nuclear blasts. Thanks to their hardy nature, and no thanks to the females’ stinky fruit, there are still thousands of Ginkgo trees maintaining their majesty as woody angels of the District’s streets.

While I am daydreaming, I dream like this,
1, Plant Ginkgo trees as Street trees in Haldimand County
2. Plant Ginkgo trees on both sides of Trails in the County
3. Advise the Cannabis farms to plant Ginkgo trees in and around their farms.
Especially REDECAN! 
4, Councillor Stam will start a Tree nursery at her farm. Maybe 1 or 2 acres or more if in need.
This tree nursery should be not-for-profit.
Would you please consider starting to study the Ginkgo Trees.
I went to Gage Park to collect some Ginkgo seeds last week.

Tony the Ginkgoman

Corcoran Street NW ginkgoes in fall. (Washington, DC)


Redecan City
987 County Road 20, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0